Appearances: | Psychotica: Debut LP ................................................. |
Sound/Video Clips: | 55 second clip in wave format.......................................................................... |
Tabs:....... | Guitar tab by Pat Donnelly........................ |
Interpretations: | Mop's interpretation............................................................. |
Produced by Psychotica and Don Fury
Mixed with additional production by Doug DeAngelis
Mastered by Vlado Meller at Sony Mastering
Written by Psychotica
Published by Psychotica Music ASCAP
lyrics typed out by Pat Briggs. thanks pat!
Feel so cold now
As the glitter skies turn to gold
And you do as you're told
And swallow your bitter pill
And though you search for higher ground
And dance to the moon like you're spellbound
In your nothing world where no one lives
Did you fall from grace
And the rhythm of it all
Did you make your place in the darkness as you crawled
Feel so old now
As the madness moves uncontrolled
You fall to the floor
And lie like a broken doll
And with a poison bloodstain on your gown
Throw the crown that you found
And scream like a hellhound
In your empty room
With your empty soul
Did you fall from grace
And the rhythm of it all
Did you make your place
In the darkness as you crawled.......180 degrees
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